以下是与家庭教育权利和隐私相关的大学政策 Act of 1974, Public Law P.L. 93-380, and Chapter 816, Statutes of 1975, State of California.

  1. Definition of Education 记录
    教育档案由下列办公室保存的档案组成 and 记录, Placement, Financial 援助, 健康 服务, and those files maintained for individual students by academic departments.
  2. Access to Education 记录
    All students have the right to inspect and review their records. A student who follows the established procedure of the 记录办公室 shall be granted access to his or her records within 15 days of the request. 明确 exempted from the right of review and inspection are the following materials:
    1. Financial records of the parents of the students.
    2. 在教育中放置的机密信件和推荐声明 一月以前的记录. 1, 1975.
    3. 教学、督导、辅导及行政人员之档案 是由他们单独拥有的,不能被其他人接触或透露的吗 except a teacher substituting for the one in sole possession.
    4. 由学院健康中心和学习中心制作和保存的学生记录 残疾中心,哪些是用来治疗学生的,哪些不是 available to persons other than those providing such treatment; except that such records can be reviewed by an appropriate professional of the student’s choice.
  3. Procedure for a Student’s Access to 记录
    1. 学生可以在适当的鉴定和会议上审查他或她的记录 with a College Counselor or other certificated 学生服务 staff member.
    2. A former student may request in writing a review of his or her records. 请求 应直接向负责招生和记录的副院长提出,谁是指定的 “记录办公室r’’ acting for the president of the college. Any student request for review shall be granted no more than 15 days following the request.
  4. Procedure for Challenge of Accuracy or Content of Education 记录
    1. 非正式的
      - A student may file with the Associate Dean of 招生 and 记录 a “Student 请愿书,对教育记录的准确性或内容提出质疑 由学院. The Student Petition should be supported with documentation. 请愿书 Committee will rule on the request and notify the student. If the student is not satisfied 有了决定,学生可以与学生事务副主席讨论此事 and Learning 服务 who may make a determination.
    2. 正式的
      -如果学生对副校长的决定不满意 学生和学习服务,学生可以在30天内上诉的决定 in writing to the President of the college.
  5. Release of Education 记录 Information
    1. Any release of a student’s education records, with the exceptions listed, must be with the student’s written consent or request.
    2. 目录信息-根据联邦家庭教育权和 《最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏》《最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏》和《十大靠谱棋牌游戏》第五章 代码,最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏将根据要求提供某些“目录信息” 在适当的时候. This information consists of the following: a student’s name; city of residence; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; if member of an athletic team, weight, height and age; dates of enrollment; 获得的学位和奖项以及最近就读的教育机构 由学生提出. Any student desiring to withhold “directory information’’ may file 一份书面申请,寄给招生和记录副主任,L113室 least five working days in advance of the effective date.
    3. 未经学生书面同意并经副院长授权 of 招生 and 记录 or his/her designee, the college may release copies of, 或以其他方式将学生教育档案资料泄露给下列机构 以及被明确禁止接受上述教育的个人 records to third parties:
      1. College and District staff with a need to know. Authorized representatives of the 美国总审计长、教育部长、行政部长 教育机构负责人、州教育官员或他们各自指定的人 ,如有需要,可向美国民权办公室查询 audit or evaluate a state or federally supported education program or pursuant to 联邦或州法律规定,除非收集个人身份信息 information is specifically authorized by federal law, any data collected by such 应以不允许个人身份识别的方式保护官员 由学生或其家长以外的那些官员,以及这样的个人身份 审计、评价和执行不再需要的数据应当销毁 of federal legal requirements.
      2. 其他州和地方官员或当局在一定程度上的信息是明确的 required to be reported pursuant to state law adopted prior to November 19, 1974.
      3. 其他公立或私立学校或学校系统的官员,包括当地县, 或者州立惩教机构那里提供教育项目,在那里 学生寻求或打算注册,或被指示注册,受制于权利 of students as provided in Section 76225 of the Education Code.
      4. 代理机构或组织与学生有关的申请,或收据 of, financial aid; provided that information permitting the personal identification 学生的个人资料,只有在有需要时才可披露 学生获得经济援助的资格,以确定经济援助的金额 援助,以确定将对财政援助施加的条件; or to enforce the terms or conditions of the financial aid.
      5. Accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions.
      6. 为或代表教育机构或机构进行研究的组织 为了开发、验证或管理预测性测试,管理 学生援助计划和改进教学,如果这样的研究在这样的地方进行 一种不允许学生或家长个人身份识别的方式 由这些组织的代表以外的人以及这些信息的意愿 be destroyed when no longer needed for the purpose for which it is collected.
      7. 与紧急情况有关的适当人员,如知悉该等资料 是否有必要保护学生或其他人员或受试者的健康或安全 to such regulations as may be issued by the Secretary of Education.
      8. Those who have obtained a subpoena or judicial order. The student is to be given notice by mail of the college’s compliance with the order.
  6. 存取记录
    学院将保留一份访问名单,其中包括以下人员的身份 have requested and have been denied or who have had access to student records, the dates of said requests, and the reasons for such access. The access list is not required 大学官员.
  7. 转移 of Information by Third Parties
    教育记录或个人信息转移给第三方将包括 通知,该方不得允许任何其他方在没有书面许可的情况下进入 consent of the student.
  8. Notice of 学生的权利
    学生将至少每年通过最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏目录获得通知 and other publications of their rights under the Act.